...applies to all group courses!!!
PARTNER ROTATION: As with successful instructors in all styles of partnered dance across North America, we require students to 'rotate' partners throughout each class (don't worry, we organize it) to ensure that everyone learns "the dance" ...instead of how to cope with the (inevitable) 'idiosyncrasies' of a single partner. Indeed, rotation helps everyone progress more quickly!! It also turns classes into fun social events and facilitates participation by couples and singles -- including the half of any 'couple' whose partner has to miss a class. Last but not least, rotation 'saves' numerous relationships's human nature to be pleasant to strangers, but (regrettably) less so with one's spouse or 'significant other'. Often by the time you're back with your regular partner, you both have a better idea of what you're trying to do ...less need to argue!
Eligibility: Subject to prerequisites noted for each course (above),
an attempt will be made to achieve an approximate balance between leaders and followers registering for each course
PLEASE NOTE: Although we occasionally get lucky and receive equal numbers of registration requests from singles of both genders, that's clearly the exception. More typically, at any given point in time we'll receive more overtures from one gender, making it necessary to create an "enrollment wait-list" pending requests from the other. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, we STRONGLY encourage singles to find a partner with whom to enroll, not only to ensure participation when you want, but to do it BEFORE a course reaches its enrollment limit. After all, such "partnerships" are for a dance course only, not for a 'relationship'!! Indeed some singles have been very pleasantly surprised once they've raised the idea with a single relative, work colleague, neighbour, etc. Regardless, please be advised... we teach dance, we do NOT "grow" partners!!
Location At the 'Barking Frog' (Richmond @ John St. near downtown London street parking.
Cost: 4-week courses are $70 per person (Students: $50)
Registration: pre-registration is required (email preferred); fees are due at the first class >>> cash only please!
Footwear: please wear shoes with soles that are clean, smooth and flexible (not sneakers) and, to be courteous to others during winter weather, do NOT wear footwear you've just worn outside in the snow or slush.
Special Request: To help those with allergies, please do NOT wear very much perfume, after-shave, etc.